sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009

Love letter......by Ziggy

This letter was written to me by a very special someone. Right then I did not realize how much I meant. I do now, and thanks to this guy I am reminded daily. Thank you special guy :), here is your letter exactly how u wrote it 7 years ago.

July 2002
" Ah, my dear Ruxandra,
How could I POSSIBLY forget you? You were one of the first people whose name I remembered. I knew from the very FIRST day that you were someone I wanted to know better.
And since we never really talked that much, I want you to promise me that in the future days, months, and years, you will talk to me, tell me more about you...and just generally keep in touch FOREVER!! :).
Ruxy, you are truly a remarkable girl. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. The BEST thing you said in the entire time I've ever known you was back when we were interviewing each other. You said you wanted people to see you as exactly who you are, And as far as I am concerned, I have never met anyone who is more herself than you, and that quality draws people to you. Everyone here - including me - loves you. To say that the camp would not have been the same without you - while true - is kinda silly, and yes everyone says it. So instead I will say that I am so fortunate to have been at this camp because you were here.
You are wonderful with the kids, you are so fun to be with, and you are missed when you're not around.
Ruxy, you are unforgettable. I will always remember you when I think of this camp, and I am so glad for that.
Take goo care of yoursef, enjoy life, and live each moment to the fullest. (Even though you do that already).

With all my love.

It took him 30 days to get to know me. And yes we still talk and I still love this guy, although he is so many miles away.

marți, 8 decembrie 2009

I am somebody...by Ziggy

I am old enough to know better, but young enough not to care if people know me or not. Still I felt recently that getting to know somebody is like going to a dating marathon where you spend ten minutes with each guy, and you have to share as many things as possible about yourself and then the guy gets 10 minutes. Like a game of chess, when getting checkmate means getting the chance to know the person even better:).

And because a person might not win the "game" I felt like sharing one or two things about me, myself and I (Violet defined my 3 R's - Ruxi, Ruxandra, Ruxitza )

1) I always smile :) and I have a really loud laugh
2) I cannot step on lines on the streets so that's why sometimes I look like I am playing a game instead of walking
3) I am day dreamer and I have a big imagination
4) I love reading
5) I relate to quotes from all kinds of books or magazines and I share as many as possible
6) I truly believe that in life there is "one true love, the ones that come before are meant to teach you, and the ones that after are just routines"
7) I believe that the greatest love story ever told is your own
8) I believe at the end of the day we are what we do
9) My favorite numbers are odd numbers
10) I could walk all day just looking at the people around me
11) I love driving
12) My favorite desert includes: pancakes with ice-cream and melted chocolate
13) I love sitting at home watching the movies that I love and eating popcorn along side with a really big glass of Pepsi.
14) I am the most romantic person in the world, so I am still waiting for Price Charming (P.S. Prince Charming I have changed my zip code :P).
15) I admire my mother for being the great woman that she is and I am grateful for the love she has shown me and for surprising me each and every day.